A key for Co-creating the Matrix of Truth and Love

Wael AlSaad
5 min readJun 6, 2019


It’s about 10 years now since a discussion on Global Mindshift Forum about “What is the Global Brain Application Seed?” ( Global Brain, a metaphor coined by Peter Russell). The idea was to think about a new Superorganism for the commons and collective of human r-evolution. The discussion attracted many great minds that time. We spend months chasing the answer and moved to a ning site to continue the marathon. We interned endless mazes. To be honest I was the one with minor background and knowledge in this run.

Nevertheless an inner call kept me thinking about that vision. After my return from Germany to the Westbank of Palestine 9 years ago, where everyone is facing huge mental stress, I felt more the urgency of big solution beside what many committed groups do on the ground. There I understood more the failure of how powered oligarchy, fake democracy and corruption establishing more misery for people. Yes, even in a spot where it should be the navel of new humanity; an area contains the complexity of the whole world produced by the same system in crises which tries uselessly to find solutions.

What’s wrong?

With all respect to all separated efforts, we people of earth “know” so much and the result is as if we almost don’t know.

1. We live in a system in crises, big one (The System or Matrix) which creates manipulated narratives to be consumed by people, holding power, ruling our reality, resulting an equation of destruction and sickness: input > system in crises > output in crises -loop.

In reality we all are captured by this system even you try to escape. There is no kingdom to escape to.

In parallel to that there is the small system in crises on the individual level; our mediocre corrupted falls believes, gods and religions, the gurus and idols to follow (yes, i love Jiddu Krishnamurti and Dr. Mohammad Shahrour)

2. There is huge amount of SOLID knowledge, science, knowhow, books, close organizations, .. all are solid if not activated in global-local conversations to lead to applicable collective commons. A Lot of efforts are spent on the intellectual solid level, which results to no co-creation in the dimension we need. The next book should be written collectively.

What is missing?

We as humans are the same hardware. Internally we look for peace, enlightenment an happiness: we miss the correct or the more advanced operating system to activate this status. We lack a collective medium to see the truth through it where we design the reality directly together without power holders, bottlenecks. I called this medium for awhile “Global Brain Superorganism Application” and now “Matrix of truth and love”, the anti-no-system to the existing matrix.

The key!

My many years searching for new key to develop the “embryo seed” of what is missing flourished and I assume that I found it.

Often we search for answers in our minds, in deep oceans and books; but we often don’t recognize if we have the right question at all. The idea is: instead of looking for answers lets collectively sprint excavating the right question, or set of questions which will allow us collectively designing the seed, the core of the project.

Correct Questions has an immense power in the field of developing local and global commons, crowd engagement, Co-creation, etc.

Co-creativity requires an empty virgin space for creation. The correct question does that job. The important question creates a state of awakening, its activates the powerful skill for listing. It initiates a brainstorming around the core of question. It builds conversation in mass collaboration groups having in background the “solid knowledge” and resources.

Through this method we dismantle the bottleneck for collective intelligence and collective wisdom. We resolve the issue of fellowship and preaching because questions are fished together and answered collectively.

Maybe those who didn’t participate on the answering process will see it as preached, but the nature of answers will contain high level of integrity. This integrity is bound to our human longing; a gravity in all of us.

For sure close minds and systems will resist. But they’ll be minority in the short or long run.

A neural emergence process: Breeding > Fertilization > Embryo > Body

Such a Body or Superorganism or Matrix project requires all our human knowledge and creativity. The design need to be empryological. The Structure is biomimicrical. The holons are neural. This way we will function as part of ecology and natural system. We and Earth finally merge together as living biothop.

Do you see the body I imagine and its immense endless applications? Can you see the key and would like to discuss this experiment further?

I would love to team up with a group to write a manifesto about this approach combined with a landing website. Call it the breeding phase :) .

When we are ready we kick-off the snowflake and gather energy and ideas from the crowd/swarms. The landing website will contain may be a video animations to explain the idea, intelligent database scheme for a system mapping process resulting with strong platform to start working on. Upgrades to follow later by the swarms.

Local groups in each country will be formed working on the same pattern language process design in different languages. This way we plant the seed in earth. 2020 can be the start for new humanity.

I think the first hunt should be after the core question or core questions set. May be we are able to formulate a new collective meaning of life on this planet as global community which will lead to new government. Or whatever. The geeky thing about this approach are the open results. Let’s be surprised by this experiment. Together nothing is impossible.

I’ll end quoting a conclusion of a dear friend of mine who never gave up like me and millions others, Pawel Klewin

“We have enough knowledge to do it — what must be done is a cognitive revolution. Every action on the planet is driven by the solar energy, directly or indirectly (fossils). Including communication (currency holons). We can’t consciously work (use energy) to solve the problems, unless we change the foundational question of Science. “What is it”? should be replaced by “How has it been working?”.


Wael Alsaad

Twitter: @WaelAura

Article hashtag for now: #AntiMatrix


If you are interested to team up please add your suggestions here

I am not English native speaker, if you like to edit this article here adding your name as co-editor ..



Wael AlSaad

Entrepreneur and spiritual Economist, Global Palestine, Global Brain App, Autodidactic Self-researcher